Friday, 28 July 2017

Geometry Art in Room 6

This week we started our geometry unit. Today we used cardboard shapes to trace around, some paper cup cakes and a straw to create a beach scene. We took our art work to show our buddy class. Eli impressed everyone by remembering that the boat shape was called a trapezoid!!

Friday's Certificates

This week's awards go to Francis and Ben from Room 5 and to Layla and Ava in Room 6. Tino pai - (well done).

Wednesday, 26 July 2017


We got straight back into our inquiry today. With our trip to the forest fast approaching we wanted to show the children the links between us, the beach and the forest. We used google maps to show our place and where the beach and the forest are. We then drew our own maps, including the school, the forest and the beach.

The children worked hard at putting lots of detail into their pictures.

Thursday, 13 July 2017

Haere ra Alyssa

On the last day of Term 2, we said farewell to Alyssa. We hope you will be very happy at your new school and make lots of new friends. This weeks certificates go to Leesha in Room 6 and to Edyn in Room 5. Happy holidays everyone!!

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Maths in Room 6

For the last few weeks have been learning about groupings within 5. This week we were working with a partner to make and write addition number stories up to 10. Keep up the great learning tamariki.

ABC Preschool Visit

It was lovely to have a small group of children from ABC Preschool visits us again today. They enjoyed listening to a big book and were keen to contribute their ideas about the story. Some children from Room 5 @ 6 buddied up with them to read books from their reading folder. It was great to see everyone on task and behaving so responsibly. We look forward to them coming back to visit again in Term 3.

Saturday, 1 July 2017

Friday Fun

This weeks certificates go to Jo in Room 5 and to Millie and Tabytha in Room 6. Ka pai tamariki. Friday afternoon is discovery time in the junior school. Each classroom has an activity for children to experience, e.g. craft, dress-ups, construction and games. During this time students are encouraged to be thinking about one of our school values. This week it was 'Manaakitanga' (developing a culture of care and belonging). At the end of each session we meet back together providing children with the opportunity to share back ways that they have displayed the value. Skipping and hopscotch were two new games added to the mix in Room 6.

Room 7's Visit to Kindy

So much to explore at Kids First Kindergarten yesterday. Half an hour just wasn't long enough so we will have to go back again soon for ...