Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Maths in Room 6

This week our focus in maths has been subtraction. Children are beginning to see patterns in numbers and did a great job completing their number stories independently.


Today we talked about pollination as a follow up to our forest lesson. We made our own bees and pretended to collect pollen and go from flower to flower.

Monday, 28 August 2017

Fun before the forest

Before we headed to the forest we had a fun inquiry lesson on the Wednesday. We started by brainstorming all the things we could do in the forest; we come up with lots of ideas!

Then we were so lucky because Miss Sheehan had kindly been to the forest and collected some pine cones and pine needles for us to paint with.
All the children enjoyed doing their own artistic piece!!

Sunday, 27 August 2017

Room 6's Visit to the Forest

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed The Junior Park Explorers Programme delivered by Environmental teachers Chris and Warren at Burwood Forest last Friday. Children had great fun experiencing the wonder of the natural world through activities such as listening to different bird calls, feeling the different parts of a tree and hunting for bugs in their natural habitat.

Friday, 25 August 2017

Trip to the Wetlands

As part of our inquiry we have one more trip - to the wetlands. This trip will be on
Room 4/5 and 6 will all be going together, it will be a modified (shortened and simplified) version  of what has been delivered to the middle and senior end of the school.

We will also require parent helpers for this trip .

A notice will come home sometime next week.

Calendar Art

Room 5 and 6's calendar art has been completed and been on display for the last few weeks. If you haven't seen your child's work please let your child's classroom teacher know and we will email you a copy.

Order forms will come home within the coming weeks to order copies of your child's art work.

Room 4 & 5's trip to the forest

Check out our video of our trip to the forest on Wednesday. We had an awesome time.

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Room 4 Calendar Art

Check out Room 4's Calendar Art! 
Order forms will be sent home in the near future. 
     Archer                                                                     Breana

           Cody                                                                    Layla

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

New Students

Room Four has grown very quickly! We now have 10 awesome students in our class! This week we welcome Levi, Noah, Taylor, Jade and Paige. 

Levi, Archer, Paige, Taylor, Jade
Layla, Breana, Islah, Cody, Noah

Saturday, 19 August 2017

Maths in Room 6

Children have been learning to read symbols for 1/2's and 1/4's and finding out about what these symbols mean. <

Friday, 18 August 2017


On Friday afternoons we join with Rooms 1, 2 and 3 for Discovery. This week we played with the cars and dolls, made peg puppets, played outside on the court with the sports equipment and made volcanoes in the sandpit!

Friday Certificates

Well done to Bella, Eva, Claire and Leesha who have been acknowledged for all their hard work.


Check us out making "teen numbers" on tens frames with our buddy.




Monday, 14 August 2017

Monday Writing

 Monday's writing in Rm 5 always involves us writing about the weekend. We spend the first part of writing talking in groups about what we get up to. Then we write our own story in our writing books.

Friday, 11 August 2017

Super Students

Miharo (wonderful) effort Islah, Layla, Coby, Kieran, Josh and Te Aika. Your proud faces say it all! We didn't forget you Ellie.

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Cutting Halves

Room 5 enjoyed cutting triangles, circles and squares in half on Monday.



Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Fairy Bread

As a motivation for writing and part of our geometry unit Rooms, 4,5 and 6 made fairy bread today. We have been learning about halves and to read the symbol for half (1/2). The best part was, of course, eating the bread. Yummy!!

Room 7's Visit to Kindy

So much to explore at Kids First Kindergarten yesterday. Half an hour just wasn't long enough so we will have to go back again soon for ...