Monday, 9 April 2018

Writing Numbers

Jess, Lily, Bentley, Cody and Peyton did a great job at writing their numbers during Maths today.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Helping with Reading

Learning to read can be tricky. The following prompts can help when reading with your child at home; What to do when they come to word they don't know how to read. All children begin with looking at the picture and then looking at the first letter, but remember they will need to know their letter sounds to help them move onto this step.

Stan's got a plan

This morning Chris from the Christchurch City Council came and spoke to us about Civil Emergencies and having a plan.
We looked at different events that could cause a Civil Emergency and then looked at emergency packs he had. The children will be coming home with a handout from Chris with ideas for your emergency kit and a checklist. It's a great chance to talk to your children about what you would do if there was an emergency at your house.

Room 7's Visit to Kindy

So much to explore at Kids First Kindergarten yesterday. Half an hour just wasn't long enough so we will have to go back again soon for ...