Sunday, 24 March 2019

Getting to know our buddies

Room 10 @ 11 with their buddies who very much enjoyed spending time with the older students.

Maths in Room 7

Our maths programme is in full swing with lots of maths skills being practiced such as 1-1 counting, recognising patterns to 10 in a tens frame, number recognition and writing numerals up to 20.

Monday, 11 March 2019

Marae Visit

For most children today was the first time they had visited a marae. Rehua Marae is a community based marae offering the ultimate cultural experience for our school visit. Children and adults alike observed many aspects of the powhiri process as we moved onto the marae. Of course, the bus trip was also a highlight of the trip. Now when we talk about a marae children will have a little prior knowledge and will be able to picture what it looks like. We are looking forward to painting some super hot 'suns' with some Maori patterns based on the story - How Mauri slowed the sun.

Monday, 4 March 2019

Week 5 in Room 7

This week Noah received a certificate for making a wonderful effort in our dance interchange class and Vivian received hers for a big improvement in her letter formation skills - well done tamariki. Eight children from Best Start preschool visited us on Thursday afternoon joining us for a short maths lesson. A fun time was had by all playing counting games and using the maths equipment.
On Wednesday afternoon Room 7 got to meet their buddies from the middle school. Children spent some time outside getting to know their new friends. After a little reading they headed into Rooms 10 @ 11 to see some animations that the Kereru team have been working on.

Room 7's Visit to Kindy

So much to explore at Kids First Kindergarten yesterday. Half an hour just wasn't long enough so we will have to go back again soon for ...