Farewell Adrian
Thank you to everyone who sent along a plate of yummy food on Friday to celebrate the end of term and to farewell Adrian who is relocating with his family out to Amberley. Hopefully he will remember us at Parkview Parua in years to come. This photo of Room 7 was taken on his last day at school. Thanks for being an awesome student Adrian and all the very best as you continue on in your learning journey.

Reading high-frequency words at regular intervals throughout the day is helping children to commit them to memory. Here is Jhaius taking the class through the list.

Buddy Reading
A spot of buddy reading before whanau hui on Friday afternoon.

Due to wet weather classes weren't able to share snippets of their learning around the topic of' Change' so plan B was to share within our classes. Rooms 1, 2, and 3 have been learning about how we change as we grow and the different stages of life people go through.

These clever children have been making and writing groupings within 5.

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